Outcrops of Devonian sandstone are an unusual attribute for flat landscape and are always associated with especial flora. We explored mosses and liverworts from such kind of habitat on example of the Yashchera river’s scarps (Leningrad province). The full list of species for this place is compiled for the first time and includes 49 species (20 liverworts and 29 mosses). Collection of data was
held with dividing material depending on its location. We received four groups of samples which differ in sets of species and substrate physical characteristics. The first group, these are mesophytic bryophytes that are ordinary for boreal forests; the second group, these are mosses of solid parts of sandstone growing in conditions of free surface runoff from forest litter; the third group of
samples are with domination of liverworts on dry and solid parts of sandstone; the fourth group, these are species connected with places of groundwater seepage. The greatest number of species is found in group of mesophytic bryophytes of boreal forests. The type of groupings with liverworts
domination is the most frequent of occurrence and most rare species belong to it. Six bryophytes were discovered which are rare for the province: Bazzania trilobata (L.) Gray (Red Data Book of Leningrad Province), Mylia taylorii (Hook.) Gray (Red Data Book of Leningrad Province), Pohlia lescuriana (Sull.) Grout, Pohlia proligera (Kindb. ex Breidl.) Lindb. ex Arnell, Saelania glaucescens (Hedw.) Broth. (Red Data Book of Leningrad Province, the first record from the south part of the province), Tritomaria quinquedendata (Huds.) Buch. Previously, in 1995 Arnellia
fennica (Gottsche & Rabenh.) Lindb. was marked for sandstones of Yashchera, but we could not confirm it with our material for nowadays.