An intergranular crack initiated at a pore located in a triple junction of grain boundaries in a ceramic material is considered in order to investigate the brittle versus ductile fracture in different temperature ranges. The critical fracture stress and critical dislocation slip stress are estimated in dependence on temperature for the case of Al2О3 ceramics. The temperature dependless local stresses in vicinity of blunt cracks and a triangular-shaped pore are calculated by the finite element method. The provided analysis reveals the favorability of the fracture scenarios upon the temperature conditions and bluntness of a crack tip as well. © S.A. Krasnitckii, A.G. Sheinerman, M.Yu. Gutkin, 2024.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)82-89
Number of pages8
JournalMaterials Physics and Mechanics
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2024

    Research areas

  • ceramic materials, crack, dislocation emission, finite element simulation, intergranular fracture, pore, Brittle fracture, Crack propagation, Crack tips, Ductile fracture, Ductility, Ternary alloys, A: Ceramics, Dislocation emissions, Elevated temperature, Finite elements simulation, Fracture behavior, Grain-boundaries, Intergranular crack, Intergranular fracture, Pore, Triple junction, Ceramic materials

ID: 126739872