One of the most studied fullerene members, C60, has a potential of application in various fields of biomedicine including reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging activity, inhibiting of tumours development, inactivating of viruses and bacteria, as well as elaboration of diagnostic and targeted drug delivery tools. However, the hydrophobicity of this molecule impedes its practical use, therefore the actuality of the research devoted to functionalisation of fullerenes leading to amphiphilic derivatives remains important. In this work, the water-soluble carboxylated fullerene derivative C60[C(COOH)2]3 was studied. Extensive biomedical investigation of this compound, namely, the binding with human serum albumin (HSA), radical scavenging activity in the reaction with diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical, photodynamic properties, cytotoxicity in human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cell line, erythrocytes' haemolysis, platelet aggregation, and genotoxicity in human peripheral mononuclear cells (PBMC) was conducted. Moreover, the dynamic and structural characteristics of C60[C(COOH)2]3–H2O binary system were obtained using molecular dynamic (MD) method, and size distribution of C60[C(COOH)2]3 associates was measured.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104683
Number of pages10
JournalToxicology in Vitro
Early online date19 Oct 2019
StatePublished - Feb 2020

    Research areas

  • Carboxylated fullerene, Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity, Haemolysis, Platelet aggregation, Radical scavenging activity, Water, Free Radical Scavengers/pharmacology, Biphenyl Compounds/toxicity, Humans, Solubility, Male, Cell Survival/drug effects, Molecular Dynamics Simulation, Picrates/toxicity, Computer Simulation, HEK293 Cells, Protein Binding, Adult, Female, Platelet Aggregation/drug effects, Fullerenes/chemistry, Mutagens/toxicity, DNA-DAMAGE, NANOMATERIALS, DELIVERY, PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES, C-60, CARBOXYFULLERENE, CELLS, OXIDATIVE STRESS, SINGLET OXYGEN, SYSTEMS

    Scopus subject areas

  • Toxicology

ID: 50969182