We classify the commutator preserving bijections of the unipotent radical Up(2n, F) of the Borel subgroup of the classical symplectic group of rank at least 2 over a field F such that 6F=F. Every such a bijection is shown to be the composition of a standard automorphism of Up(2n, F) and a central map. The latter is the identity modulo the centre of (2n, F).

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages36
JournalLinear and Multilinear Algebra
Early online date1 Jun 2019
StatePublished - 12 Jun 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Algebra and Number Theory

    Research areas

  • automorphisms, Lie product preservers, PC-maps, Symplectic group, unipotent group, unitriangular matrices, LIE-ALGEBRAS, AUTOMORPHISMS, LINEAR-MAPS

ID: 43671958