The Babel Web Anthology ( builds upon the Babelmatrix idea that changes the traditional bilingual relationships between original literary works and their translations into a special, multilingual form. Thanks to the innovative structure of Babelmatrix, it is possible to handle original literary works and their translations multi-dimensionally, that is, in multiple languages in the same time. BWA is edited with great care and continuously updated with contextual information that can provide the user with adequate insight into the cultures and literatures of other European countries. Babel Web Anthology Portal Web 2.0 (BWAP 2.0) refers primarily to two major paradigm shifts in the way people use the Web: thin client computing and user-generated content. The portal will play a central role in both areas.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationUser Generated Content Assessment in Learning: Enhancing Transparency and Quality of Peer Production
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of EDEN Budapest Research Workshop
Place of PublicationBudapest
StatePublished - 2010
EventUser Generated Content Assessment in Learning: Enhancing Transparency and Quality of Peer Production - Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 24 Oct 201027 Oct 2010


ConferenceUser Generated Content Assessment in Learning: Enhancing Transparency and Quality of Peer Production

    Research areas

  • Babel Web Anthology, Web 2.0, User-generated content

ID: 4518738