The article discusses the value orientations of Russian philosophy, which, on the one hand, determine its integrity, unity and identity, on the other hand, serve as the foundations of philosophical communication carried out within the framework of the Russian tradition or in connection with it. The peculiarities of Russian religious philosophy, which have the meaning of an axiologically conscious ideological position, developed during what is commonly called the "silver age of Russian culture" and indicate a consistent and diverse strategy for the reunification of philosophical knowledge, where epistemological research was only a substructure to achieve holistic knowledge. Values are included in Russian religious philosophy as an object of analysis and as a correlate of philosophical positions. In this article, a deep moral position that distinguishes Russian philosophical thought, religiosity, as well as a characteristic appeal to literary forms of presentation are considered as the basis of discursive practices in the Russian philosophical tradition (on the example of the works of I. Ilyin and P. Florensky). It is concluded that philosophy descending the “golden age of Russian culture”, serves as a guide for overcoming the deep ideological crises of the twenty-first century.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 11th International Scientific and Theoretical Conference – Communicative Strategies of Information Society
EditorsOlga D. Shipunova, Violetta N. Volkova, Alfred Nordmann, Laurent Moccozet
ISBN (Electronic)2357-1330
StatePublished - 2019
Event11th International Scientific and Theoretical Conference "Communicative strategies of Information Society", CSIS 2019 - Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation
Duration: 25 Oct 201926 Oct 2019

Publication series

NameEuropean Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences EpSBS
ISSN (Electronic)2357-1330


Conference11th International Scientific and Theoretical Conference "Communicative strategies of Information Society", CSIS 2019
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Research areas

  • russian religious philosophy, discursive communication, spiritual culture, axiological grounds, values

ID: 52494418