This paper considers the strategies and tactics that young Petersburg artists use to promote their artworks and provide communicative resonance around them. It presents the results of a research project conducted in accordance with the strategy of multiple case-studies: four artistic communities of different scale, structure, integration grounds, ideological orientation, professional background, forms of spatial embeddedness and artistic style were selected for analysis. In the course of data collection, a wide range of field research techniques such as in-depth interviews, participant observation and qualitative analysis of texts was applied. The empirical data show that under the conditions of deficient sponsorship and information support, artistic success in Petersburg largely depends on the artists’ constant self-promotion efforts (participation in competitions and collective projects, applications submission, dissemination in Internet). By accumulating material, informational and reputational resources o
Original languageEnglish
StatePublished - 2014
Externally publishedYes
EventXVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology ‘Facing an Unequal World. Challenges for Global Sociology’ - Yokohama, Japan
Duration: 13 Jul 201419 Jul 2014


ConferenceXVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology ‘Facing an Unequal World. Challenges for Global Sociology’
Internet address

ID: 6827715