We investigate a new metric based on the Feature Relation Graph (FRG). This metric has proved to be effective for the text independent Persian writer identification. Since Persian script is based on Arabic writing similar principles of analysis may be also applied to the Arabic manuscripts. We have investigated the FRG for Arabic handwritten texts. Pattern based features are extracted from handwritten texts using Gabor and XGabor filters. The extracted features are represented for each author based on the FRG that plays a role of a feature vector in the classification problems. We have also investigated different parameters of the FRG.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language and Information Extraction, Social Media and Web Search FRUCT Conference, AINL-ISMW FRUCT 2015
PublisherIEEE Canada
Number of pages6
ISBN (Print)978-952-68397-0-7
StatePublished - 2016
EventArtificial Intelligence and Natural Language and Information Extraction, Social Media and Web Search FRUCT Conference (AINL-ISMW FRUCT 2015) - St Petersburg
Duration: 8 Nov 201513 Nov 2015


ConferenceArtificial Intelligence and Natural Language and Information Extraction, Social Media and Web Search FRUCT Conference (AINL-ISMW FRUCT 2015)
CitySt Petersburg

ID: 4747655