The main objective of the work is to consider possible approaches to the application of the theory of cooperative games for the simulation of the relationship between the major centers of economic and political influence in the modern world. Models offered in work, allow to receive on the basis of the classical solution concepts for cooperative games with transferable utility value possible objective options (both stable and unstable) configurations coalitions «centers of influence», as well as options for the distribution of influence within these coalitions. The results are subject to more detailed content analysis. Special attention is paid to the issues of construction of characteristic functions for cooperative games, the underlying model «interaction centers of political forces». In particular, the technique of construction of the characteristic function, involving the use of baskets, constructible on currencies of countries coming together in a coalition.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationContributions to Game Theory and Management. Vol X (GTM2016). (Успехи теории игр и менеджмента. Вып. 10. Сб. статей, представленных по результатам десятой международной конференции по теории игр и ме-неджменту / Под ред. Л.А.Петросяна и Н.А.Зенкевича.)
PublisherИздательство Санкт-Петербургского университета
StatePublished - 2017
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • cooperative games cooperative models interaction of the inter-national centers of power stochastic cooperative games imputations Shapley value

ID: 7757279