This article presents the results of mycological studies of soils, substrate and airborne fungi on the Vize island in the Kara Sea (one of the most northern settlements of Russia). Mycological analysis of samples from the Vize island showed the presence of microfungi in most of the studied samples. There is a domination of dark-colored fungi on anthropogenically introduced materials. Among the introduced microfungi a significant proportion of the species known as destructors of materials, as well as the conditional pathogens of humans. 59 species of microfungi were identified. 40 microfungi species were isolated from soils. 30 species were isolated from anthropogenic contaminated soils and 17 in control ("pure") soils. There is a general tendency to the reduction the species diversity and the number of microfungi as the soil depth increases. In anthropogenic contaminated soils, not only the species composition changed, but also the dominant species. The calculation of mycological hazard indices (I m ) showed critical values (more than 8) for microfungi complexes of anthropogenic contaminated soil. The obtained data indicate a qualitative difference in the complexes of microfungi in control and contaminated soils. 25 species of microfungi were isolated from artificial and natural materials. Dark-colored microfungi dominated the anthropogenic substrates. The predominant group of microfungi from artificial and natural materials were known as destructors of various materials and as human pathogens. The airborne fungi of the studied territories were characterized by low numbers and species composition. In general, the share of conditionally pathogenic microfungi in the studied habitats of the island Vize ranged from 33% to 75%. The obtained data testify of expediency to using the structure of microfungi complexes as an index the of anthropogenic impact on ecosystems of the Arctic.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1058-1063
Number of pages6
JournalGigiena i Sanitariya
Issue number11
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2018

    Research areas

  • Air, Anthropogenic influence, Anthropogenic substrates, Arctic, Microbial communities, Mycobiota, Soil

    Scopus subject areas

  • Pollution
  • Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
  • Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis

ID: 46376496