Radiative and collisional constants of excited atoms contain the matrix elements of the dipole transitions and when they are blocked one can expect occurring a number of interesting phenomena in radiation-collisional kinetics. In recent astrophysical studies of IR emission spectra it was revealed a gap in the radiation emitted by Rydberg atoms (RA) with values of the principal quantum number of n≈10. Under the presence of external electric fields a rearrangement of RA emission spectra is possible to associate with manifestations of the Stark effect. The threshold for electric field ionization of RA is E≈3·104 V/cm for states with n>10. This means that the emission of RA with n≥10 is effectively blocked for such fields. In the region of lower electric field intensities the double Stark resonance (or Förster resonance) becomes a key player. On this basis it is established the fact that the static magnetic or electric fields may strongly affect the radiative constants of optical transitions in the vicinity of th