The paper presents generalized results of a study on submesoscale eddies’ surface manifestations in the Barents, Kara, and White Seas based on the analysis of about 3.5 thousand satellite radar images during ice-free periods for several years from 2007 to 2012. For general features determination of submesoscale eddies’ activity against processes of larger scale, sea surface temperature data, which allowed assessment of frontal zones position, and tidal data were used the same period. About 4.5 thousand structures were registered in the investigated seas. It is shown that submesoscale eddies are a common phenomenon in the warm season in the areas of the Barents, Kara, and the White Seas. Eddy structures with a diameter from 2 to 4 km are most often registered. It has been established that the cyclonic type of eddies’ manifestations is a
prevalent type of structures, while the size of anticyclonic structures is larger on average. The maximum number of eddies is observed in the initial period of formation of the seasonal near-surface pycnocline. Comparison of the positions of eddies’ surface manifestations, the frontal zone positions, and the bottom topography showed that the frequent occurrence of eddies is predominantly observed near and within the areas of the variability of the frontal zones. And also eddy structures are registered in regions where there are significant bottom irregularities. The maximum number of eddy structures in these regions was recorded principally during the period of a spring tide.