Nowadays determination of precise coordinates using GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) observations can be made with the differential method or with an absolute solution (PPP method Precise Point Positioning). The precision of navigational data, such as satellite ephemerides and satellite clock biases, is very important when using the PPP method. Usually, satellite orbits are approximated with smooth functions, currently, their accuracy is about 2-3 cm. Unlike ephemerides satellite clock biases are not approximated with any function, also clock series are being processed not as a continuous time series but as daily fragments, which leads to jumps at 00:00 UTC. Processing methods that are currently used can also lead to clock jumps inside a day. Different studies propose a variety of satellite clock improvement methods but clock jump removal is performed manually. An automatic jump correction algorithm is proposed. About two years of satellite clock biases were processed. Usage of the algorithm allows removal of clock jumps on time intervals of any length..
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProc. Journees 2019 “Astrometry, Earth Rotation and Reference systems in the Gaia era”
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 2019
EventJournees 2019 "Astrometry, Earth Rotation and Reference systems in the Gaia era" -
Duration: 7 Oct 20199 Oct 2019


ConferenceJournees 2019 "Astrometry, Earth Rotation and Reference systems in the Gaia era"

ID: 52183383