The article is devoted to the description of the acculturation and adaptation. The research in the field of psychology of migration processes invariably has an impact on the cross-cultural, interethnic interaction on modern society. А new model of "migration circle" is considered in accordance with modern theories of migration, acculturation, and adaptation. This model is represented in the following basic stages: starting-up (the potential emigrants), the main (directly emigrants), and final (re-emigrants). Accumulated during the investigation scientific theoretical material allows finding the solution of many practical problems arising at the threshold of emigration (potential emigrants) either in situations of the return to Motherland (re-emigrants).
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication1st International Scientific Practical Conference "The Individual and Society in the Modern Geopolitical Environment" (ISMGE 2019)
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings
EditorsNikolai L. Shamne, Elena Yu. Malushko, Vladislav G. Lizunkov
PublisherAtlantis Press
ISBN (Print)9789462527560
StatePublished - 2020
EventI International Scientific Practical Conference “The Individual and Society in the Modern Geopolitical Environment” - Волгоград, Russian Federation
Duration: 23 May 201929 May 2019

Publication series

NameAdvances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
ISSN (Print)2352-5398


ConferenceI International Scientific Practical Conference “The Individual and Society in the Modern Geopolitical Environment”
Abbreviated titleISMGE'2019
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation

    Scopus subject areas

  • Psychology(all)

    Research areas

  • migration, Acculturation, social-psychological adaptation, a model of the "migration circle", social-cultural distance.

ID: 50963661