In the context of stagnating global economy mono-towns of Arctic Russia are especially exposed to uncertainty in their socio-economic development. Resource orientation of economy that formed in the 20th century entails considerable geo-economical risk exposure both for the towns and their population as well as for Russia's specific regions. In the 1990–2000s Russia’s Arctic regions were exposed to a systemic crisis which stemmed from production decline, out-migration, capital asset obsolescence, depletion of mineral resources and environmental crisis. This spatial study of geo-economic risk exposure of Russia’s Arctic mono-towns with commodity export-based economy was conducted at four dimensions - global, macro-regional, regional and local. The study of the five types of geo-economic risks was based on the existing approach, economic and socio-demographic risks being the most critical for the towns under consideration. Survey data will be used as the basis for recommendations related to prevention of potent
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)38-45
JournalJournal of Geography and Geology
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2014

    Research areas

  • mono-towns, Russia’s Arctic regions, geo-economic risks, spatial study

ID: 5685398