The purpose of the article is to suggest an authors’ view on developing a system of exercises for teaching Russian phraseology, taking into account the specifics of foreign students’ cognitive activities. The relevance of the study lies in the idea to optimize the teaching system for the requirements and needs of the modern generation of students. The article highlights the main cognitive characteristics of thinking inherent in students of the Y and Z generations (field independence, impulsivity, high tolerance, low ability to generalize information, reliance on the sensory-perceptual way of perceiving and minimizing information in productive types of speech activity), the exercise system is developed within communicative approach to teaching Russian phraseology to foreigners. During the selection of educational material in order to identify the phraseological units’ frequency in the speech of Russian native speakers, a survey was conducted. Its results showed a change in the quantitative and qualitative indicators of actively used phraseological units in speech. As a method of phraseological units semantization in the proposed system of exercises, the authors use the method of their inner form analysis. The conducted study contributes to the methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, and creates the prerequisites for the further development of the methodology of teaching Russian phraseology.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationINTED2020 Proceedings
Subtitle of host publication14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference Valencia, Spain. 2-4 March, 2020
Place of PublicationValencia, Spain
PublisherInternational Association of Technology, Education and Development
ISBN (Print)978-84-09-17939-8
StatePublished - 4 Mar 2020
Event14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference - Valencia, Spain
Duration: 2 Mar 20204 Mar 2020

Publication series

NameINTED proceedings
ISSN (Electronic)2340-1079


Conference14th International Technology, Education and Development Conference

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

    Research areas

  • cognitive thinking style, Phraseological unit, system of exercises, inner form, Communicative Approach, Russian as a foreign language

ID: 62319089