In most eukaryotic genomes, tandemly repeated copies of 5S rRNA genes are clustered outside the nucleolus organizer region (NOR), which normally encodes three other major rRNAs: 18S, 5.8S, and 28S. Our analysis of turtle rDNA sequences has revealed a 5S rDNA insertion into the NOR intergenic spacer in antisense orientation. The insertion (hereafter called NOR-5S rRNA gene) has a length of 119 bp and coexists with the canonical 5S rDNA clusters outside the NOR. Despite the ∼20% nucleotide difference between the two 5S gene sequences, their internal control regions for RNA polymerase III are similar. Using the turtle Trachemys scripta as a model species, we showed the NOR-5S rDNA specific expression in oocytes. This expression is concurrent with the NOR rDNA amplification during oocyte growth. We show that in vitellogenic oocytes, the NOR-5S rRNA prevails over the canonical 5S rRNA in the ribosomes, suggesting a role of modified ribosomes in oocyte-specific translation. The orders Testudines and Crocodilia seem to be the only taxa of vertebrates with such a peculiar rDNA organization. We speculate that the amplification of the 5S rRNA genes as a part of the NOR DNA during oogenesis provides a dosage balance between transcription of all the four ribosomal RNAs while producing a maternal pool of extra ribosomes. We further hypothesize that the NOR-5S rDNA insertion appeared in the Archelosauria clade during the Permian period and was lost later in the ancestors of Aves.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbermsab324
JournalMolecular Biology and Evolution
Issue number1
Early online date23 Nov 2021
StatePublished - 7 Jan 2022

    Research areas

  • 5S rRNA genes, IGS, oocyte, rDNA amplification, specialized ribosomes, Archelosauria, Alligators and Crocodiles/genetics, DNA, Ribosomal/genetics, Oocytes, Animals, RNA, Ribosomal, 5S/genetics, Turtles/genetics, Genes, rRNA

    Scopus subject areas

  • Genetics
  • Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
  • Molecular Biology

ID: 89628987