We dated Holocene and Late Pleistocene mollusc shells collected from coastal sediments of the Caspian, Barents, White and Black Seas by means of both a modified 230 Th/U method and the radiocarbon method. Essence of the modification is the removal of the surface (about 1/3 of the weight) of the mollusc shells by nitric acid as it may contain adsorbed detrital 232 Th and 230 Th. The 230 Th/U dates of the inner part of the shells do not require detrital correction with the 232 Th activity and well agree with the corresponding reservoir-corrected and calibrated 14 C ages of mollusc shells with ages between 1300 and 13,500 BP. We tested the modified 230 Th/U method on thick-walled and well-preserved mollusc shells from the transgression sediments of the Barentz, White and Black Seas derived during the Mikulino Interglacial (MIS 5e) and the Early Valday Glaciation (MIS 5c). The 230 Th/U ages of the inner part of the shells from the Boreal (Eem) transgression sediments of the Barentz and White Seas ranged from 86 to 114 ka and those from the Karangat (Eem) transgression in the Black Sea (Maly Kut and Eltigen sections) from 95 to 115 ka. The new 230 Th/U dates of the shells from the section Eltigen ranged from 100 to 125 ka..

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)49-56
Number of pages8
StatePublished - 2002

    Scopus subject areas

  • Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)

    Research areas

  • Geochronology, Mollusc Shells, Radiocarbon Dating, Transgression, Uranium-Thorium Dating

ID: 89241971