The article is focused on opportunieties of virtual and augmented reality application. The adavntages of using VR and AR technolodgies in tourism are explored. The expierence of VR and AR technolodgies in russian tourism is analyzed. The problems are considered are solutions are suggested. The calculation of the implementation of the VR-simulator in the work of a tourist organization.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)77-81
JournalСкиф. Вопросы студенческой науки
Issue number1 (41)
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • augmented reality, calculation, century of high technologies, problems, solutions, tourism, virtual reality, век высоких технологий, виртуальнаяреальность, дополненнаяреальность, проблемы, расчёты, решения, туризм

ID: 78395511