The paper presents the current scientific directions of the psychology of health and its role in the field of demographic, socio-economic and scientific, technological development of our country. The center of attention is a person as a subject of a healthy psyche, concern for the health of a healthy person. Consistently, a theoretical review and empirical results of the study of barriers to healthy behavior, motivation for healthy behavior, responsibility for personal healthy behavior, and culture of a healthy lifestyle are given. The idea is being held that, along with the emphasis on traditional issues of preventing healthy lifestyles, the modern education system needs to pay special attention and find appropriate solutions in terms of enhancing the subject-resource base aimed at ensuring healthy behavior.
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationСубъект труда и организационная среда: проблемы взаимодействия в условиях глобализации.
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • barriers of healthy behavior, culture of a healthy lifestyle, health psychology, healthy personality, motivation for a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for personal healthy behavior, барьеры здорового поведения, здоровая личность, культура здорового образа жизни, мотивация к здоровому образу жизни, ответственность за личное здоровое поведение, психология здоровья

ID: 78564881