The article is devoted to the identification of the specific features of Slavophilism in St. Petersburg in the 1860’s to 90’s. Te social and political views of the post-reform publicists “pochvenniki”, as well as Orest Miller, Ivan Kornilov, Vladimir Lamansky, Aleksandr Vasiliev, Aleksandr Kireev, and others are considered. From philosophical movement to political ideology, Slavophilism became increasingly more popular among various groups in the intelligentsia, including civil servants. Basically, like Moscow Slavophilism and the conservative-democratic movement, the Slavophilism of St. Petersburg “accommodated” both the state and egalitarian- democratic tendencies, which did not always coexist peacefully, but usually did not contradict each other in many respects. Perhaps more sharply than the Moscow Slavophiles, the St. Petersburg group discussed the national question. Te St. Petersburg Slavophiles and their followers did not generate original ideological and political constructs. Tey are of interest as a kind of “retranslators” of the national democratic discourse that originated in the Moscow salons of the 1840’s