Gesamtkunstwerk is a project to unite the arts (visual, theatrical, musical) in which the synthetic experience of the whole exceeds the sum of the impact of the artistic means of expression included in it, and claims to be not so much aesthetic (experience of form / experience of the limit) as mystical experience (experience of the beyond). Being a continuation of the mysterious ritual by other technological means, Gesamtkunstwerk functions as a machine of symbolic codification of death, which makes it possible to turn its destructive potential into a constructive one. Computer games are the Gesamtkunstwerk of the modern era, because they transfer the experience of death (experience of alienation, reification, emotional exhaustion) that is scattered in our culture from destructive to constructive. If other media store and transmit information, represent events, create values, then games have the ability to generate pre-predicative experience - a sense of presence, and since the traumatic, appealing to pre-dis
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)34-45
Issue number1 (34)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • digital everyday, digital reality, fake, Gesamtkunstwerk, media, компьютерные игры, медиа, осетевление, фейк, цифровая реальность

ID: 78467185