The author researches the transformation of the eldest and the biggest guerrilla group in Latin America, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, which took place in 1990s, since the collapse of the USSR and the world communist movement. The author pointed to the factors which led to the FARC to maintain its existence and even to grow its influence (with clear contrast to many other guerrillas groups). The text contains analysis of the ideological and organizational shifts characteristic to the FARC in 1990-s. It is shown that part of this transformation was due to the same genesis of the guerrilla group, while others became consequence of the changes in the national and international environment.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)274-287
Issue number21
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • GUERRILLA warfare, political processes, the Colombian Communist Party, The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), герилья, Колумбийская Коммунистическая партия, политический процесс, Революционные вооруженные силы Колумбии (FARC)

ID: 78566338