This article discusses the Japanese policy pursued in the Arctic from the beginning of the XXI century to the present day. In the case of Japan, a comparison of its Arctic and Antarctic policies will be relevant. In Japan, the perception of the polar regions within the framework of a single policy began to be built before the Second World War, which was in view of joining the Arctic and Antarctic exploration race during the imperial system. But for a long time the emphasis in polar politics was put in favor of the Antarctic. And the defeat in World426War II made adjustments for Japanese policy in these regions, leaving her a liberal position regarding the development of the Arctic and Antarctic.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)426-429
JournalАллея науки
Issue number1 (40)
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • color revolution, Kyrgyzstan, media, NGOs, Tulip Revolution, антарктика, арктика, япония

ID: 78628899