The article covers the role of Soviet counsellors in the period of the civil war in Spain. The authors relied on memoirs of event participants - Soviet military counsellors and various sources of modern researchers. A special role was played by Marsel I. Rozenberg, Soviet diplomat, the first representative of the USSR in the League of Nations who was in fact coordinating a huge mechanism of operations of two intelligence services of the USSR: the Intelligence Directorate of the Workers` and Peasants` Red Army and the foreign intelligence service of the Foreign Department of the Main Directorate for State Security of the People`s Commissariat for Internal Affairs. Scientists are still arguing over the motives for destruction by the People`s Commissariat for Internal Affairs of the elite of outstanding employees of the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, the Workers` and Peasants` Red Army, military and foreign intelligence services, party and Soviet workers, popular writers. The authors leave this topic
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)8-15
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • civil war in Spain, counsellors of the USSR in Spain in 1937 to 1939, coupist army, Generalissimo F. Franco, international assistance to Spain, repressions of counsellors of the USSR in Spain, армия путчистов, генералиссимус Ф. Франко, гражданская война в Испании, международная помощь Испании, репрессии советников СССР в Испании, советники СССР в Испании в 1937-1939 годах

ID: 78592107