The article describes the occurrence, improvement and importance of the clinical case history as the main medical, scientific and judicial health care document and emphasizes the outstanding role of domestic physicians and scientists in its creation. The problem of professional medical culture in the context of the evolution of Russian medical sublanguage and the development of modern means of medical communication is discussed. The clinical case history can reliably serve as an objective evidence of the medical doctor’s culture: neatness, thorough and detailed management, competent written language, legible medical handwriting, the ability to think logically and write epicrises. The role of the functioning of the professional sub language of the health care system as a part of the Russian state language and the urgent need to create normative medical dictionaries are emphasized. [12 figures, bibliography - 63 references].
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)30-50
JournalRussian Biomedical Research
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • Botkin S.S, clinical case history, diagnosis, epicrisis, medical culture, medical handwriting, Mudrov M.Ya, russian literary language, state Russian language, written language, Боткин С.С, врачебная культура, врачебный почерк, государственный русский язык, диагноз, клиническая история болезни, Мудров М.Я, письменная речь, русский литературный язык, эпикриз

ID: 78407645