Nikolai Aleksandrovich Florensov is a Russian scientist who is famous for his contribution to the theoretical foundations of structural geomorphology. He formulated the law of the circulation of material in the Earth's crust, which is manifested by a periodically arising lithodynamic flow, in the development cycle of which two main phases are distinguished as ascending and descending geodynamics. In our opinion, there is also the third phase, stabilization. This process is reflected in the morphological types of mountains. Considering the conditions of intracontinental orogeny, N.A. Florensov distinguished two main types: constructive and destructive. Developing this concept, he solved a number of theoretical and philosophical problems concerning the inextricable relationship between the relief and the structure of the geological substratum, its geodynamics and, as a consequence, proposed to consider their relationship as changes in geomorphological formations in time and space. The scientific creativity of N
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)181-188
JournalGeodynamics & Tectonophysics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • constructive and destructive mountains, geomorphologic formation, intracontinental orogeny, lithodynamic flow, Structural geomorphology, внутриконтинентальный орогенез, геоморфологическая формация, конструктивные и деструктивные горы, литодинамический поток, структурная геоморфология

ID: 78495597