The article deals with the definition and study of revolutionary theories and practices. Revolutions should be viewed in a broad sense, i. e., as radical upheavals in the consciousness and activities of people, changing social, political, economic institutions, cultural forms, all social relations. Revolutions can be presented in four aspects of the study: as historical events, as sociopolitical processes, as systems of public relations and as social conflicts. All revolutions have certain characteristics, among which it is necessary to distinguish ambivalence, inclusiveness, switching, dynamism, acute conflict, mass participation, paradoxicality. Metaphysical, historical, sociological, political, cultural-axiological, conflictological and combined approaches methodological approaches are used to study revolutions. The author proposes to use such scientific tools as measuring revolutions to analyse and describe revolutions in detail. It is supposed to measure revolutions by their duration, the severity of the
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)58-71
JournalТеории и проблемы политических исследований
Issue number3-1
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • characteristics of revolutions, measurement of revolutions, methodological approaches to the study of revolutions, practices of revolutions, revolutionology, revolutions, измерение революций, методологические подходы к исследованию революций, практики революций, революции, революциология, свойства революций

ID: 78438295