Theories of virtualization appeared in sociological discourse in the 1990s. of the last century. Their occurrence is often associated with the development of computer technology. However, their interpretation has a double meaning. On the one hand, they are characterized by the computerization of a society, on the other hand, they focus their attention on the illusory nature of social processes that do not have their prototype in reality. There are many variants of theories of society virtualization, which originate in different paradigms. In this study, the approaches of A. Crocker and D.V. Ivanov are employed in order to interpret the data. At the stage of development of computer technologies Web 4.0 virtual reality does not exist as a special reality and not as an unreal phenomenon. It coexists with the real world, having a constant impact on it. The empirical confirmation of the theory of virtualization and the peculiarities of interaction in augmented social reality is electronic document management and b
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)124-135
JournalСоциальные и гуманитарные знания
Issue number2 (18)
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • added reality, blockchain, crm, edi, electronic document management, transnational corporation, virtualization, блокчейн, виртуализация, дополненная реальность, транснациональная корпорация, электронный документооборот

ID: 78548024