
The article considers the fate of Ukrainian baroque panegyric under
St. Petersburg imperial court in the first half of the 18th century. Being
forced to commit servile actions and create servile texts, Ukrainian
literary men, however, retained in their panegyrics metaphysical
Translated title of the contributionUkrainian Baroque Panegyric in Saint Petersburg: Servility versus Metaphysics
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationУ ПОШУКАХ ЄДИНОЇ ОСНОВИ
Subtitle of host publicationМетафізичний спектр українського письменства ХІ–XVIII століть. Вип. 6
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • PANEGYRICS, epideictic eloquence, baroque, servility, Symon Todors’kyy, Amvrosiy Yushkevych, Theophan Prokopovych

ID: 73371267