The article is devoted to the functioning of lexeme dhikr (‘remembering’, ‘memory’) in the
text of the Qurʼan. The research has demonstrated that the lexeme is mostly used in religious contexts
and describes the interaction between God and man. It occurs in two types of contexts: (1) the
obligation of man to remember God; (2) the holy writings and prophets of the past, Muḥammad and
the Qurʼan as a reminder to mankind from God. Most commonly, lexeme dhikr occurs in the Meccan
suras of the second, Rahman, sub-period. This could be explained by the subject matter of the
corresponding fragments of the Qurʼan, as well as the peculiarities of the rhetorical devices used to
influence the emotions of listeners.
Translated title of the contributionContextual and Emotive Analysis of Lexeme dhikr in the Qurʼan
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)61-74
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2022

ID: 104066573