The publication considers and analyzes the views of the Russian conservatives of the late XIX - early XX century on the resettlement policy in the Russian Empire. Based on the materials of the periodical press, the journalism of the era, the program documents of the right parties and the stenographic reports of the State Duma, the authors make a number of clarifications on the existing notions of the right-wing attitude toward the government's activity in relocating the "surplus" peasant population from the European regions of the empire to its outskirts - Siberia, The Far East, the Caucasus, Central Asia. The authors come to the conclusion that for right-wing publicists and politicians, one of the most important topics in the period under consideration was the development, russification and colonization of the outskirts of the empire.
Translated title of the contributionRussian conservatives and immigration policy of the government (late XIX - early XX centuries)
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)60-75
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • russian conservatives, right-wing parties, conservatism, nationalism, immigration policy, Russian empire, national suburbs, agrarian question

ID: 47773837