
This article analyses some Mongolian documents related to the
preparations for the visit to Beijing by the Fifth Dalai Lama in 1652–
1653. The institution of the Dalai Lamas was a Mongol creation and
was founded in Tibet in the early seventeenth century. Mongolian
leaders also wanted to get support from the new Manchu Qing Empire. The Fifth Dalai Lama’s visit to Beijing resulted in his recognition by the Emperor Shunzhi, the Manchu ruler of China, as the
head of Buddhism. The actions by Gushi Khan, who won a military
victory against the adversaries of the Dalai Lama, were also approved by the Emperor.
Translated title of the contributionMongolian Documents Related to the Fifth Dalai Lama’s Visit to Beijing
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationОйраты и Тибет. Историческое наследие и современные перспективы
Subtitle of host publicationсборник статей
Place of PublicationСПб
PublisherПетербургское Востоковедение
ISBN (Print)978-5-85803-613-5
StatePublished - 2023

ID: 106497044