
Новые находки водорослей, грибов, лишайников и мохообразных. 11. / Kotkova, V. M.; Czernyadjeva, I. V.; Davydov, E. A.; Doroshina, G. Ya.; Efimov, D. Yu.; Efimova, L. A.; Frolov, I. V.; Gabiger, Ya. I.; Glushсhenko, M. Yu.; Gorbunova, I. A.; Himelbrant, D. E.; Ignatenko, M. E.; Kalinina, L. B.; Kurbatova, L. E.; Kushnevskaya, H. V.; Lashchinsky, N. N.; Lotiev, K. Yu.; Moroz, E. L.; Notov, A. A.; Novozhilov, Yu. K.; Otmakhov, Yu. S.; Plikina, N. V.; Popova, N. N.; Potemkin, A. D.; Putilina, V. A.; Ryzhkova, P. Yu.; Sambyla, Ch. N.; Smirnova, E. V.; Stepanchikova, I. S.; Storozhenko, Yu. V.; Troeva, E. I.; Tsurykau, A. G.; Vishnyakov, V. S.; Vlasenko, V. A.; Vlasenko, V. A.; Volkova, E. A.; Volosnova, L. F.; Yakovchenko, L. S.; Yatsenko-Stepanova, T. N.; Zhuykov, K. A.; Zueva, A. S.

In: НОВОСТИ СИСТЕМАТИКИ НИЗШИХ РАСТЕНИЙ, Vol. 57, No. 1, 01.01.2023, p. 155–204.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Kotkova, VM, Czernyadjeva, IV, Davydov, EA, Doroshina, GY, Efimov, DY, Efimova, LA, Frolov, IV, Gabiger, YI, Glushсhenko, MY, Gorbunova, IA, Himelbrant, DE, Ignatenko, ME, Kalinina, LB, Kurbatova, LE, Kushnevskaya, HV, Lashchinsky, NN, Lotiev, KY, Moroz, EL, Notov, AA, Novozhilov, YK, Otmakhov, YS, Plikina, NV, Popova, NN, Potemkin, AD, Putilina, VA, Ryzhkova, PY, Sambyla, CN, Smirnova, EV, Stepanchikova, IS, Storozhenko, YV, Troeva, EI, Tsurykau, AG, Vishnyakov, VS, Vlasenko, VA, Vlasenko, VA, Volkova, EA, Volosnova, LF, Yakovchenko, LS, Yatsenko-Stepanova, TN, Zhuykov, KA & Zueva, AS 2023, 'Новые находки водорослей, грибов, лишайников и мохообразных. 11', НОВОСТИ СИСТЕМАТИКИ НИЗШИХ РАСТЕНИЙ, vol. 57, no. 1, pp. 155–204.,,


Kotkova, V. M., Czernyadjeva, I. V., Davydov, E. A., Doroshina, G. Y., Efimov, D. Y., Efimova, L. A., Frolov, I. V., Gabiger, Y. I., Glushсhenko, M. Y., Gorbunova, I. A., Himelbrant, D. E., Ignatenko, M. E., Kalinina, L. B., Kurbatova, L. E., Kushnevskaya, H. V., Lashchinsky, N. N., Lotiev, K. Y., Moroz, E. L., Notov, A. A., ... Zueva, A. S. (2023). Новые находки водорослей, грибов, лишайников и мохообразных. 11. НОВОСТИ СИСТЕМАТИКИ НИЗШИХ РАСТЕНИЙ, 57(1), 155–204.,,


Kotkova VM, Czernyadjeva IV, Davydov EA, Doroshina GY, Efimov DY, Efimova LA et al. Новые находки водорослей, грибов, лишайников и мохообразных. 11. НОВОСТИ СИСТЕМАТИКИ НИЗШИХ РАСТЕНИЙ. 2023 Jan 1;57(1):155–204.,,


Kotkova, V. M. ; Czernyadjeva, I. V. ; Davydov, E. A. ; Doroshina, G. Ya. ; Efimov, D. Yu. ; Efimova, L. A. ; Frolov, I. V. ; Gabiger, Ya. I. ; Glushсhenko, M. Yu. ; Gorbunova, I. A. ; Himelbrant, D. E. ; Ignatenko, M. E. ; Kalinina, L. B. ; Kurbatova, L. E. ; Kushnevskaya, H. V. ; Lashchinsky, N. N. ; Lotiev, K. Yu. ; Moroz, E. L. ; Notov, A. A. ; Novozhilov, Yu. K. ; Otmakhov, Yu. S. ; Plikina, N. V. ; Popova, N. N. ; Potemkin, A. D. ; Putilina, V. A. ; Ryzhkova, P. Yu. ; Sambyla, Ch. N. ; Smirnova, E. V. ; Stepanchikova, I. S. ; Storozhenko, Yu. V. ; Troeva, E. I. ; Tsurykau, A. G. ; Vishnyakov, V. S. ; Vlasenko, V. A. ; Vlasenko, V. A. ; Volkova, E. A. ; Volosnova, L. F. ; Yakovchenko, L. S. ; Yatsenko-Stepanova, T. N. ; Zhuykov, K. A. ; Zueva, A. S. / Новые находки водорослей, грибов, лишайников и мохообразных. 11. In: НОВОСТИ СИСТЕМАТИКИ НИЗШИХ РАСТЕНИЙ. 2023 ; Vol. 57, No. 1. pp. 155–204.


title = "Новые находки водорослей, грибов, лишайников и мохообразных. 11",
abstract = "First records of algae for the Orenburg Region and Urals of Russia, for the Republic of Belarus and Georgia, fungi for St. Petersburg, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions, republics of Altai and Tuva, Altai, Krasnoyarsk and Trans-Baikal territories, myxomycetes for the Omsk and Tomsk regions, republics of Tuva and Sakha (Yakutia) of Russia and Republic of Belarus, lichens, lichenicolous and allied fungi for the Omsk, Ryazan, Sakhalin and Tver regions, Altai, Khabarovsk and Primorye territories, mosses for St. Petersburg, the Leningrad, Saratov and Tula regions, Stavropol Territory, and New Siberian Islands Archipelago, liverwort for St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk Territory are presented. The data on their localities, habitats, distribution are provided. The specimens are kept in the herbaria of the Altai State University (ALTB), the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBIW), the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (LE), the Mire Research Group of the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences (MIRE), the V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (MSK), the Central Siberian botanical garden SB RAS (NSK), the «Galichya Gora» Nature Reserve (VU), the Georgian National Herbarium at the Institute of Botany of the Ilia State University (TBI), and algological collection in the laboratory of the Algology Group of the Institute for Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Barcodes ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 fungal nrDNA region of some specimens have been deposited in the GenBank NCBI",
keywords = "Altai Territory, Arcyria congesta, Arcyria denudata, Arcyria incarnata, Arcyria minuta, Arrhenia gerardiana, Arthonia biatoricola, Arthonia helvola, Asterophoma mazaediicola, Auricularia americana, Bacidina inundata, Bacidina mendax, Bacidina modesta, Bilimbia lobulata, Blennothallia crispa, Bolshekhekhtsirsky Nature Reserve, Brest Region, Calvatia turneri, Cerioporus squamosus, Ceriporia bresadolae, Ceriporia torpida, Chaenothecopsis pusiola, Cheiromycina petri, Chlorophyceae, Clitocybe amarescens, Cnestrum alpestre, Comatricha cancellata, Comatricha elegans, Comatricha ellae, Comatricha laxa, Comatricha tenerrima, Coniophora arida, Coppinsiella ulcerosa, Cortinarius croceus, Crepidotus cesatii, Crepidotus tobolensis, Cribraria aurantiaca, Cuphophyllus pratensis, Dentipellis fragilis, Dichotomosiphon tuberosus, Dichotomosiphonaceae, Didymium crustaceum, Didymium nullifilum, East Siberia, Echinostelium apitectum, Echinostelium fragile, Echinostelium minutum, Enchylium tenax, Enerthenema papillatum, European Russia, Fuligo leviderma, Fuligo septica, Fuscidea arboricola, Geastrum fimbriatum, Georgia, Grimmia muehlenbeckii, Grimmia orbicularis, Grodno Region, Gymnopilus luteofolius, Haptophyta, Hemitrichia minor, Hemitrichia pardina, Hemitrichia serpula, Heterocephalacria physciacearum, Heteroradulum kmetii, Hydnomerulius pinastri, Hygrocybe ceracea, Hymenomonas roseola, Hyphoderma setigerum, Kakheti Region, Kemerovo Region, Khabarovsk Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kuettlingeria atroflava, Lacrymaria glareosa, Lactarius scoticus, Lamproderma scintillans, Lecanora aitema, Lecanora argentea, Lecanora cenisia, Lecidella carpathica, Leningrad Region, Licea biforis, Lycogala epidendrum, Lycogala flavofuscum, Marasmius limosus, Melanoleuca polioleuca, Metatrichia vesparia, Metuloidea fragrans, Micarea byssacea, Minsk, Mycena galericulata, Mycena meliigena, Myrionora albidula, Myurella sibirica, National Park “Narochansky”, Neofavolus suavissimus, New Siberian Islands, Novosibirsk Region, Oksky Biosphere Reserve, Oligonema favogineum, Oligonema persimile, Omsk Region, Orenburg Region, Ossicaulis lachnopus, Oxyporus philadelphi, Pachyphiale fagicola, Paradiacheopsis fimbriata, Parasola plicatilis, Perichaena quadrata, Perichaena vermicularis, Phaeomarasmius erinaceus, Phaeophyscia pusilloides, Phlebia subochracea, Pholiota polychroa, Physarum auriscalpium, Physarum bivalve, Physarum flavicomum, Physarum viride, Pluteus leoninus, Pluteus leucoborealis, Pluteus rangifer, Pluteus romellii, Pluteus salicinus, Pluteus umbrosoides, Pluteus velutinus, Porostereum spadiceum, Porpidia contraponenda, Primorye Territory, Radulodon erikssonii, Ramonia himelbrantii, Republic of Altai, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Republic of Tuva, Reticularia splendens, Rhizocarpon roridulum, Rhynchostegium rotundifolium, Riccia fluitans, Riccia rhenana, Ricciocarpos natans, Rufoplaca subpallida, Russia, Russula medullata, Ryazan Region, Sakhalin Island, Sakhalin Region, Salair National Park, Saratov Region, Sarcodontia spumea, Scapania apiculata, Scapania curta, Schistidium crassipilum, Siberia, South Urals, Sphagnum pulchrum, St. Petersburg, Staurothele rupifraga, Stavropol Territory, Stemonitis axifera, Stemonitis fusca, Stemonitis splendens, Stemonitopsis typhina, Tchiauri forest, Tomsk Region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Tricholomopsis flammula, Tula Region, Tver Region, Vaucheria bursata, Vaucheria canalicularis, Vaucheria cruciata, Vaucheria prona, Vaucheria pseudaversa, Vaucheria undulata, Verrucaria muralis, West Siberia, Xanthophyta, Xerocomellus porosporus, agaricoid basidiomycetes, aphyllophoroid fungi, coccoliths, flora, green algae, hepatics, lichenicolous fungi, lichens, mosses, myxomycetes, yellow-green algae",
author = "Kotkova, {V. M.} and I. V. Czernyadjeva and E. A. Davydov and G. Ya. Doroshina and D. Yu. Efimov and L. A. Efimova and I. V. Frolov and Ya. I. Gabiger and M. Yu. Glushсhenko and I. A. Gorbunova and D. E. Himelbrant and M. E. Ignatenko and L. B. Kalinina and L. E. Kurbatova and H. V. Kushnevskaya and N. N. Lashchinsky and K. Yu. Lotiev and E. L. Moroz and A. A. Notov and Yu. K. Novozhilov and Yu. S. Otmakhov and N. V. Plikina and N. N. Popova and A. D. Potemkin and V. A. Putilina and P. Yu. Ryzhkova and Ch. N. Sambyla and E. V. Smirnova and I. S. Stepanchikova and Yu. V. Storozhenko and E. I. Troeva and A. G. Tsurykau and V. S. Vishnyakov and V. A. Vlasenko and V. A. Vlasenko and E. A. Volkova and L. F. Volosnova and L. S. Yakovchenko and T. N. Yatsenko-Stepanova and K. A. Zhuykov and A. S. Zueva",
note = "Kotkova V. M., Czernyadjeva I. V., Davydov E. A., Doroshina G. Ya., Efimov D. Yu., Efimova L. A., Frolov I. V., Gabiger Ya. I., Glushсhenko M. Yu., Gorbunova I. A., Himelbrant D. E., Ignatenko M. E., Kalinina L. B., Kurbatova L. E., Kushnevskaya H. V., Lashchinsky N. N., Lotiev K. Yu., Moroz E. L., Notov A. A., Novozhilov Yu. K., Otmakhov Yu. S., Plikina N. V., Popova N. N., Potemkin A. D., Putilina V. A., Ryzhkova P. Yu., Sambyla Ch. N., Smirnova E. V., Stepanchikova I. S., Storozhenko Yu. V., Troeva E. I., Tsurykau A. G., Vishnyakov V. S., Vlasenko A. V., Vlasenko V. A., Volkova E. A., Volosnova L. F., Yakovchenko L. S., Yatsenko-Stepanova T. N., Zhuykov K. A., Zueva A. S. 2023. New cryptogamic records. 11. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 57(1): 155–204. ",
year = "2023",
month = jan,
day = "1",
doi = "10.31111/nsnr/2023.57.1.155",
language = "русский",
volume = "57",
pages = "155–204",
issn = "0568-5435",
publisher = "Komarov Botanical Institute",
number = "1",




T1 - Новые находки водорослей, грибов, лишайников и мохообразных. 11

AU - Kotkova, V. M.

AU - Czernyadjeva, I. V.

AU - Davydov, E. A.

AU - Doroshina, G. Ya.

AU - Efimov, D. Yu.

AU - Efimova, L. A.

AU - Frolov, I. V.

AU - Gabiger, Ya. I.

AU - Glushсhenko, M. Yu.

AU - Gorbunova, I. A.

AU - Himelbrant, D. E.

AU - Ignatenko, M. E.

AU - Kalinina, L. B.

AU - Kurbatova, L. E.

AU - Kushnevskaya, H. V.

AU - Lashchinsky, N. N.

AU - Lotiev, K. Yu.

AU - Moroz, E. L.

AU - Notov, A. A.

AU - Novozhilov, Yu. K.

AU - Otmakhov, Yu. S.

AU - Plikina, N. V.

AU - Popova, N. N.

AU - Potemkin, A. D.

AU - Putilina, V. A.

AU - Ryzhkova, P. Yu.

AU - Sambyla, Ch. N.

AU - Smirnova, E. V.

AU - Stepanchikova, I. S.

AU - Storozhenko, Yu. V.

AU - Troeva, E. I.

AU - Tsurykau, A. G.

AU - Vishnyakov, V. S.

AU - Vlasenko, V. A.

AU - Vlasenko, V. A.

AU - Volkova, E. A.

AU - Volosnova, L. F.

AU - Yakovchenko, L. S.

AU - Yatsenko-Stepanova, T. N.

AU - Zhuykov, K. A.

AU - Zueva, A. S.

N1 - Kotkova V. M., Czernyadjeva I. V., Davydov E. A., Doroshina G. Ya., Efimov D. Yu., Efimova L. A., Frolov I. V., Gabiger Ya. I., Glushсhenko M. Yu., Gorbunova I. A., Himelbrant D. E., Ignatenko M. E., Kalinina L. B., Kurbatova L. E., Kushnevskaya H. V., Lashchinsky N. N., Lotiev K. Yu., Moroz E. L., Notov A. A., Novozhilov Yu. K., Otmakhov Yu. S., Plikina N. V., Popova N. N., Potemkin A. D., Putilina V. A., Ryzhkova P. Yu., Sambyla Ch. N., Smirnova E. V., Stepanchikova I. S., Storozhenko Yu. V., Troeva E. I., Tsurykau A. G., Vishnyakov V. S., Vlasenko A. V., Vlasenko V. A., Volkova E. A., Volosnova L. F., Yakovchenko L. S., Yatsenko-Stepanova T. N., Zhuykov K. A., Zueva A. S. 2023. New cryptogamic records. 11. Novosti sistematiki nizshikh rastenii 57(1): 155–204.

PY - 2023/1/1

Y1 - 2023/1/1

N2 - First records of algae for the Orenburg Region and Urals of Russia, for the Republic of Belarus and Georgia, fungi for St. Petersburg, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions, republics of Altai and Tuva, Altai, Krasnoyarsk and Trans-Baikal territories, myxomycetes for the Omsk and Tomsk regions, republics of Tuva and Sakha (Yakutia) of Russia and Republic of Belarus, lichens, lichenicolous and allied fungi for the Omsk, Ryazan, Sakhalin and Tver regions, Altai, Khabarovsk and Primorye territories, mosses for St. Petersburg, the Leningrad, Saratov and Tula regions, Stavropol Territory, and New Siberian Islands Archipelago, liverwort for St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk Territory are presented. The data on their localities, habitats, distribution are provided. The specimens are kept in the herbaria of the Altai State University (ALTB), the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBIW), the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (LE), the Mire Research Group of the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences (MIRE), the V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (MSK), the Central Siberian botanical garden SB RAS (NSK), the «Galichya Gora» Nature Reserve (VU), the Georgian National Herbarium at the Institute of Botany of the Ilia State University (TBI), and algological collection in the laboratory of the Algology Group of the Institute for Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Barcodes ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 fungal nrDNA region of some specimens have been deposited in the GenBank NCBI

AB - First records of algae for the Orenburg Region and Urals of Russia, for the Republic of Belarus and Georgia, fungi for St. Petersburg, Kemerovo and Novosibirsk regions, republics of Altai and Tuva, Altai, Krasnoyarsk and Trans-Baikal territories, myxomycetes for the Omsk and Tomsk regions, republics of Tuva and Sakha (Yakutia) of Russia and Republic of Belarus, lichens, lichenicolous and allied fungi for the Omsk, Ryazan, Sakhalin and Tver regions, Altai, Khabarovsk and Primorye territories, mosses for St. Petersburg, the Leningrad, Saratov and Tula regions, Stavropol Territory, and New Siberian Islands Archipelago, liverwort for St. Petersburg and Krasnoyarsk Territory are presented. The data on their localities, habitats, distribution are provided. The specimens are kept in the herbaria of the Altai State University (ALTB), the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBIW), the Komarov Botanical Institute RAS (LE), the Mire Research Group of the Papanin Institute for Biology of Inland Waters of the Russian Academy of Sciences (MIRE), the V. F. Kuprevich Institute of Experimental Botany of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (MSK), the Central Siberian botanical garden SB RAS (NSK), the «Galichya Gora» Nature Reserve (VU), the Georgian National Herbarium at the Institute of Botany of the Ilia State University (TBI), and algological collection in the laboratory of the Algology Group of the Institute for Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Barcodes ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 fungal nrDNA region of some specimens have been deposited in the GenBank NCBI

KW - Altai Territory

KW - Arcyria congesta

KW - Arcyria denudata

KW - Arcyria incarnata

KW - Arcyria minuta

KW - Arrhenia gerardiana

KW - Arthonia biatoricola

KW - Arthonia helvola

KW - Asterophoma mazaediicola

KW - Auricularia americana

KW - Bacidina inundata

KW - Bacidina mendax

KW - Bacidina modesta

KW - Bilimbia lobulata

KW - Blennothallia crispa

KW - Bolshekhekhtsirsky Nature Reserve

KW - Brest Region

KW - Calvatia turneri

KW - Cerioporus squamosus

KW - Ceriporia bresadolae

KW - Ceriporia torpida

KW - Chaenothecopsis pusiola

KW - Cheiromycina petri

KW - Chlorophyceae

KW - Clitocybe amarescens

KW - Cnestrum alpestre

KW - Comatricha cancellata

KW - Comatricha elegans

KW - Comatricha ellae

KW - Comatricha laxa

KW - Comatricha tenerrima

KW - Coniophora arida

KW - Coppinsiella ulcerosa

KW - Cortinarius croceus

KW - Crepidotus cesatii

KW - Crepidotus tobolensis

KW - Cribraria aurantiaca

KW - Cuphophyllus pratensis

KW - Dentipellis fragilis

KW - Dichotomosiphon tuberosus

KW - Dichotomosiphonaceae

KW - Didymium crustaceum

KW - Didymium nullifilum

KW - East Siberia

KW - Echinostelium apitectum

KW - Echinostelium fragile

KW - Echinostelium minutum

KW - Enchylium tenax

KW - Enerthenema papillatum

KW - European Russia

KW - Fuligo leviderma

KW - Fuligo septica

KW - Fuscidea arboricola

KW - Geastrum fimbriatum

KW - Georgia

KW - Grimmia muehlenbeckii

KW - Grimmia orbicularis

KW - Grodno Region

KW - Gymnopilus luteofolius

KW - Haptophyta

KW - Hemitrichia minor

KW - Hemitrichia pardina

KW - Hemitrichia serpula

KW - Heterocephalacria physciacearum

KW - Heteroradulum kmetii

KW - Hydnomerulius pinastri

KW - Hygrocybe ceracea

KW - Hymenomonas roseola

KW - Hyphoderma setigerum

KW - Kakheti Region

KW - Kemerovo Region

KW - Khabarovsk Territory

KW - Krasnoyarsk Territory

KW - Kuettlingeria atroflava

KW - Lacrymaria glareosa

KW - Lactarius scoticus

KW - Lamproderma scintillans

KW - Lecanora aitema

KW - Lecanora argentea

KW - Lecanora cenisia

KW - Lecidella carpathica

KW - Leningrad Region

KW - Licea biforis

KW - Lycogala epidendrum

KW - Lycogala flavofuscum

KW - Marasmius limosus

KW - Melanoleuca polioleuca

KW - Metatrichia vesparia

KW - Metuloidea fragrans

KW - Micarea byssacea

KW - Minsk

KW - Mycena galericulata

KW - Mycena meliigena

KW - Myrionora albidula

KW - Myurella sibirica

KW - National Park “Narochansky”

KW - Neofavolus suavissimus

KW - New Siberian Islands

KW - Novosibirsk Region

KW - Oksky Biosphere Reserve

KW - Oligonema favogineum

KW - Oligonema persimile

KW - Omsk Region

KW - Orenburg Region

KW - Ossicaulis lachnopus

KW - Oxyporus philadelphi

KW - Pachyphiale fagicola

KW - Paradiacheopsis fimbriata

KW - Parasola plicatilis

KW - Perichaena quadrata

KW - Perichaena vermicularis

KW - Phaeomarasmius erinaceus

KW - Phaeophyscia pusilloides

KW - Phlebia subochracea

KW - Pholiota polychroa

KW - Physarum auriscalpium

KW - Physarum bivalve

KW - Physarum flavicomum

KW - Physarum viride

KW - Pluteus leoninus

KW - Pluteus leucoborealis

KW - Pluteus rangifer

KW - Pluteus romellii

KW - Pluteus salicinus

KW - Pluteus umbrosoides

KW - Pluteus velutinus

KW - Porostereum spadiceum

KW - Porpidia contraponenda

KW - Primorye Territory

KW - Radulodon erikssonii

KW - Ramonia himelbrantii

KW - Republic of Altai

KW - Republic of Belarus

KW - Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

KW - Republic of Tuva

KW - Reticularia splendens

KW - Rhizocarpon roridulum

KW - Rhynchostegium rotundifolium

KW - Riccia fluitans

KW - Riccia rhenana

KW - Ricciocarpos natans

KW - Rufoplaca subpallida

KW - Russia

KW - Russula medullata

KW - Ryazan Region

KW - Sakhalin Island

KW - Sakhalin Region

KW - Salair National Park

KW - Saratov Region

KW - Sarcodontia spumea

KW - Scapania apiculata

KW - Scapania curta

KW - Schistidium crassipilum

KW - Siberia

KW - South Urals

KW - Sphagnum pulchrum

KW - St. Petersburg

KW - Staurothele rupifraga

KW - Stavropol Territory

KW - Stemonitis axifera

KW - Stemonitis fusca

KW - Stemonitis splendens

KW - Stemonitopsis typhina

KW - Tchiauri forest

KW - Tomsk Region

KW - Trans-Baikal Territory

KW - Tricholomopsis flammula

KW - Tula Region

KW - Tver Region

KW - Vaucheria bursata

KW - Vaucheria canalicularis

KW - Vaucheria cruciata

KW - Vaucheria prona

KW - Vaucheria pseudaversa

KW - Vaucheria undulata

KW - Verrucaria muralis

KW - West Siberia

KW - Xanthophyta

KW - Xerocomellus porosporus

KW - agaricoid basidiomycetes

KW - aphyllophoroid fungi

KW - coccoliths

KW - flora

KW - green algae

KW - hepatics

KW - lichenicolous fungi

KW - lichens

KW - mosses

KW - myxomycetes

KW - yellow-green algae

UR -

U2 - 10.31111/nsnr/2023.57.1.155

DO - 10.31111/nsnr/2023.57.1.155

M3 - статья

VL - 57

SP - 155

EP - 204



SN - 0568-5435

IS - 1

ER -

ID: 105279313