Cylindrical samples made of equiatomic TiNi alloy were deformed by high-strain rate and quasistatic compression at various temperatures in the range from 20 to 300оC. Dependences of the values of shape memory and
two-way shape memory effects on the test temperatures were obtained. It is shown that high-strain rate
compression in certain temperature ranges improves the shape memory and martensitic-type two-way shape
memory effects of equiatomic TiNi alloy. Austenitic-type two-way shape memory after high-strain rate
compression was always greater, than after quasi-static compression. Comparison with tensile tests is given.
Translated title of the contributionInfluence of High-Strain Rate Compression on the Functional Properties of Equiatomic TiNi-alloy
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationВосьмые Поляховские чтения
Subtitle of host publicationТезисы докладов Международной научной конференции по механике, Санкт-Петербург, 30 января – 2 февраля 2018 г.
Place of PublicationСПб.
PublisherИздательство Санкт-Петербургского университета
ISBN (Print)9785288058004
StatePublished - 2018
EventInternational Scientific Conference on Mechanics - Eighth Polyakhov's Reading: 8th Polyakhov's Reading - Старый Петергоф, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation
Duration: 29 Jan 20182 Feb 2018
Conference number: 8


ConferenceInternational Scientific Conference on Mechanics - Eighth Polyakhov's Reading
Country/TerritoryRussian Federation
CitySaint Petersburg
Internet address

ID: 75424169