In the period between the two Russian revolutions of 1917 Russia’s Allies were intensifying constantly their efforts to affect the development of domestic affairs in Russia. Various French representatives in Russia were actively carrying out a propaganda work. This activity was boosted during the visit to Russia of a prominent French socialist and member of the French Government A. Thomas. It was his initiative to create a unified French organization using existing French centres of propaganda and to involve new people in its activities. Special missions and individuals were sent to Russia to exercise an influence on various groups of the Russian society. French socialists were trying to convince their Russian colleagues - first of all members of the Petrograd Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies - that for establishing a truly lasting peace it was necessary to destroy German militarism. Soldiers and officers from the French military missions were visiting Russian army units striving to convince Russians
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)86-95
JournalНовая и Новейшая история
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • First World War, French propaganda, russian revolution, Russo-French relations, первая мировая война, революция в России, русско-французские отношения, французская пропаганда

ID: 78392107