The article is devoted to the problem of Japan's interaction with the Western world through the prism of Christian doctrine in the period of the so-called "Christian century". It was in this "century" that the Japanese learned Europeans, adopted from them a variety of theoretical and practical knowledge, and, realizing the danger that the missionaries carried for the independence of Japan and its religious and political institutions, with fire and sword eradicated Christian doctrine and took measures to prevent such a situation in the future, by imposing strict restrictions for staying and leaving the Japanese Islands. Japan has voluntarily shut itself off from the outside world. Lasting for more than two centuries, the period of self-isolation has had a huge impact on all aspects of life in Japan and its consequences are noticeable in modern Japan.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)321-330
JournalОбразование и наука в России и за рубежом
Issue number4 (52)
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • "Christian century", "христианское столетие", Fernando Pinto, Francis Xavier, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Тоётоми Хидэёси, Фернао Пинту, Франциск Ксавье

ID: 78508048