This work investigates the composition and distribution of platinum mineralization in ore zone "C" of the Sungiyok and Chuarvy areas within the East Pana massif. The relevance of this work results from insufficient knowledge of this ore zone in this part of the massif, with its ore mineralization being virtually unexamined. Research methods: review of scientific publications and library materials on platinum-metal deposits in stratified intrusions worldwide and on the Kola Peninsula; macroscopic and microscopic studies of rock samples, thin sections, transparent polished thin and microsections in transmitted and reflected light; microprobe analysis of transparent-polished thin sections (21 pcs) in the Geomodel Resource Center using a Hitachi S-3400N scanning electron microscope (operated by Shilovskikh V. V.), statistical processing of data using the Statistica software suite v. 6.1. For the first time, a study of the noble-metal mineralization of the "C" ore zone allowed to classify it into two types: early magmatic (low-sulfide) and late post-magmatic (no-sulfide) associations. The earlier one is represented with platinum and palladium sulfides, i.e. braggite, cooperite; native noble metals, i.e. gold, silver; ferroplatinum, moncheite, kotulskite. The noble metal minerals form inclusions in the main magmatic sulfides and rock-forming silicates or are located in their contact zones; they are characterized by a close spatial and correlational relationship with the main sulfides. The late association includes arsenides, stibioarsenides, platinum and palladium antimonides, i.e. sperrylite, mertieite, stibiopalladinite, as well as temagamite, kotulskite, and telargpalite. They are localized in metasomatic alteration zones forming veinlets and developing along fractures in magmatic rock-forming silicates, and occur in association with rare late hydrothermal sulfides. For the second type, i.e. postmagmatic association, no significant correlation with sulfides is observed. Both types of mineralization are characterized by anomalously low Pd/Pt values of 0.1-1.7.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)6-16
JournalGornaya Promyshlennost
Issue number5-2
StatePublished - Dec 2021

    Research areas

  • Fedorovo-Pana massif, East-Pana massif, stratiform mineralization, early magmatic low-sulfide platinum-metal and late post-magmatic no-sulfide platinum-metal mineralization

ID: 91801190