The article examines the results of applied research on the peculiarities of the perception of the political leaders’ activities by residents of 3 regions in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. The aim of the study was to identify the dynamics in the attitude to the political leader on the part of different social groups representatives in crisis conditions. The study of citizens' perception of risks, problems, their wellbeing, and the influence of these factors on attitudes towards authorities and political leaders used the focus group method. Group discussions identified a number of changes in the consciousness and assessments of the region’s residents. In crisis conditions, the demand for two components of the effective authorities’ work has grown significantly. On the one hand, for responsiveness, on the other hand, for feedback and information support of decisions. Both assessment parameters are related to the level of legitimacy of the authorities. The type of settlement and the age of the participants became important factors in assessing the situation of the pandemic and solving the entire spectrum of problems on the part of the authorities. The gender factor showed weak influence. Among the young participants in focus groups, opposition attitudes towards government institutions and individual leaders intensified. People of the middle age (35-50 years old) noted an increase in negative assessments of the government work, the absence of real leadership qualities among regional politicians. Analysis of the data showed a decrease in the level of trust in the President and a change in the perception of his image among the oldest age group.