The main medico-statistical data on neoplasms supervision aid in Saint-Petersburg citizens were analyzed for the period of 2015-2016. Despite an increase in the number of citizens in Saint-Petersburg patients with neoplasms, quality of inspection and treatment of sick neoplasms is still at the proper level. During the period studied the increase in professional workload of oncologists medical organizations of the city is registered. The latter is caused by the increased technological and organizational advantages in timely neoplasms verification and patients’ treatment. Targeted introduction of new information technologies into the healthcare practice of Saint Petersburg in the implementation of the activities of the Russian healthcare development program for the collection, processing, storage and analysis of medical and statistical data on cases of malignant neoplasm among city residents remains one of the priority tasks in terms of improving the organization of the anticancer fight. The structure of the frequently encountered diseases within two years of the analyzed period (2015 - 2016) has not changed. In men, there were mainly detected malignant tumors of prostate, lung and stomach. In women there were mostly identified breast cancer, skin (except melanoma) and colon. Among patients with the first time diagnosed malignant neoplasm there are mostly people over 60 years old. Taking into account the age-specific characteristics of patients and the stages of the oncological process, it is possible to distribute health resources in a rational manner when providing medical care to cancer patients. In St. Petersburg, the index of one-year lethality continues to decrease in dynamics. Five-year survival indicators show the effectiveness of the complex treatment. Main medical statistical data on the activity of specialists of oncological service in Saint Petersburg characterize positive trends in the organization of cancer control in the city.