• О.П. Рыжкова
  • О.Л. Кардымон
  • Е.Б. Прохорчук
  • Ф.А. Коновалов
  • А.Б. Масленников
  • В.А. Степанов
  • А.А. Афанасьев
  • Е.В. Заклязьминская
  • Д.В. Ребриков
  • К.В. Савостьянов
  • А.С. Глотов
  • А.А. Костарева
  • А.Е. Павлов
  • М.В. Голубенко
  • А.В. Поляков
  • С.И. Куцев
This is a second version of guidelines for the interpretation of massive parallel sequencing (MPS) variants. First version was published in Medical Genetics journal in 2017. They were based on ACMG, CAP, ESHG and FDA guidelines and recommendations. Leading authorities on medical genetics and bioinformatics updated and finalized them. First version of guidelines was presented and discussed on all Russian conference «NGS in medical genetics» and all Russian conference «New technologies for diagnosing hereditary diseases». All members of these conferences and members of Russian Society of Medical Genetics could introduce amendments and give comments. Current version include reviewed notes and comments.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)3-23
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • bioinformatics analysis, DNA variants classification criteria, guidelines, Masive parallel sequencing (MPS), биоинформатический анализ, варианты последовательности ДНК, критерии патогенности вариантов последовательности ДНК, массовое параллельное секвенирование (MPS), рекомендации

ID: 78532628