Special hopes were placed on French diplomatic representatives in St-Petersburg between 1814 and 1848. The Restoration regime was interested in Russian support in order to strengthen itself, while the July monarchy, which had brought the indignation of emperor Nicholas I as it was born from a Revolution, sought to lower the degree of alienation if possible. During the studied period, about 50 diplomats were assigned to the French embassy in St. Petersburg, seven of them as ambassadors, the rest were first, second and third secretaries, as well as attaches.
This paper examines the motives which guided the governements in their selection of candidates in both periods, as well as what changes were made to the requirements for candidates under the July monarchy. An important role in the appointment and promotion of the diplomatic service was played by the patronage of dignitaries, although one should not exaggerate the influence of the "wind of favor". Among the criteria taken into account with varying degrees of intensity depending on the period, the social origin, the possession of a military rank and the wishes of the Russian emperor are in the foreground.
The author comes to the conclusion that not only state interests, but also the ideology of the Restoration regime and then of the July monarchy inevitably left an imprint on the composition of the embassy in St-Petersburg. Under the Restoration, preference was given to the old nobility, whereas under the July monarchy the bourgeoisie began to receive high appointments. The past service to the Napoleonic Empire was not perceived as an obstacle to a diplomatic career. The possession of a military rank (in the case of the ambassadors), even a purely nominal one, considered profitable for the diplomatic service because of the greater proximity with the emperor under the Restoration, lost interest under the July monarchy, because it was now not enough to create a good relationship. In any case, the last ambassador of Louis-Philippe was a man of letters. The experience and competence of the candidates were valued especially in secondary positions, as well as knowledge of Russia, drawn from the press or life circumstances.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)99-130
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2018

ID: 76297374