Comprehensive glaciological and geophysical applied investigations have been performed during the austral winter of the 61st RAE (2016) and austral summer field season of the 62nd RAE (2016/17) in the area of the Russian Mirny Station (East Antarctica). The visual and instrumental observations have revealed that the landing-strip site is completely safe for the aviation operations. The ice sheet surface elevation chart with the accuracy of 15 cm has been compiled based on collected geodetic data. The height varies from 37 m in the northern part to 71 m in the south-west. The monitoring results have demonstrated that the glacier flow velocity varies from approximately 6 to 80 m/year. Multi-offset GPR soundings have allowed improving the dielectric permittivity model of the ice sheet and estimating its moisture content to the depth of about 25 m in two points.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)80-90
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • East Antarctica, GPR sounding, ice dynamics, ice sheet structure, Mirny Station, multi-offset soundings, восточная Антарктида, георадарное профилирование, динамика ледника, наклонные зондирования, станция Мирный, строение ледника

ID: 78536178