The article on the basis of the analysis of law enforcement practice examines the problematic issues of systematization of legal entities, which are subject to the legal regime of the Federal law of 18.07.2011 № 223-FZ “on procurement of goods, works and services by certain types of legal entities”. The article highlights the criteria of such systematization: corporate (type of organizational-legal form; the importance of the predominant share of public-legal entities; the relationship with the main organization with “subsidiaries” and “granddaughters”); activity (type of regulated activity). Exceptions exempting a number of organizations from the need to comply with restrictive provisions are considered, and the conditions under which the organization is exempted from the obligation to be guided in its procurement activities by the procurement Law are determined. The conclusion about the validity of the right of the Antimonopoly authority to request information from the economic entity about the circumstance
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)19-24
JournalКонкурентное право
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • antimonopoly authority, competition, competitive methods of selection of the counterparty, corporate relations, main and subsidiary company, organizational and legal form, purchase of goods, purchase of services, purchase of works, subjects of natural monopolies, the prevailing share of participation, the purpose of commercial use, the right to request information, the type of regulated activity, антимонопольный орган, закупка работ, закупка товаров, закупка услуг, конкурентные способы отбора контрагента, конкуренция, корпоративные отношения, организационно-правовая форма, основное и дочернее общество, право на истребование информации, преобладающая доля участия, субъекты естественных монополий, тип регулируемого вида деятельности, цели коммерческого использования

ID: 78399121