The article deals with the linear order of the dependent members in verb phrases of Russian everyday speech. Rank distribution of such structures is analyzed, the ratio between the left width and the right one of verb phrase is calculated, and the statistical significance of the difference between these parameters is tested. The influence of gender and age factors on the ratio of prepositional and postpositional structures is considered.
Original languageRussian
Title of host publicationСтруктурная и прикладная лингвистика.
StatePublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes

    Research areas

  • age factor, concentration index, dependency grammar, gender factor, left-branching width, noun phrase, postposition, preposition, rank distribution, rank mean, right-branching width, verb phrase, гендерный фактор, глагольный куст, грамматика зависимостей, именной куст, индекс концентрации, левая ширина, постпозиция, правая ширина, препозиция, ранговое среднее, ранговые распределения, фактор возраста

ID: 78579449