Studying of the social environment of anorganization as a resource for career development of its employee is important for the analysis of the factors of their professional advancement. The presented article describes the characteristics of a socio-psychological tool for assessing the career resources of an employee in an organization. The developed questionnaire studies the socio-psychological resources of career development of an employee in an organization, which appear at the nexus of the organization as a social group and the individual. These resources include the perceived compliance with organizational culture, psychological safety, developmental mentorship, and accessibility of career advancement. As a theoretical and methodological basis of the questionnaire, the descriptive model by K. Lyness and D. Thompson (Lyness, Thompson, 2000) was used, indicating facilitators and barriers to career development that form inequalities in career prospects. The questionnaire comprises 13 statements, which form 4 consistent subscales (Cronbach's alpha .91–.92, subscales .73–.82). The scores of the questionnaire do not depend on age and length of service. Confirmatory factor analysis showed consistency with the data of the embedded 4-factor structure. The evidence for the current validity was found: the scores are expectedly higher in men than in women, in managers than in executives, and they correlate with job and career satisfaction. Differences in career resources among women working in companies with different proportions of female employees were found. The questionnaire assesses four career resources: perceived compliance with organizational culture, psychological safety, developmental mentoring, and availability of career advancement. It is these career resources that are sensitive both to the employee's proactivity and social intelligence, as well as to any aspects of social inequality and engagement of the organization's policy.
Translated title of the contributionSocio-Psychological Resources of Career Development of an Organization's Employee: Evaluation of Structure and Reliability of a New Version of Lyness and Thompson’s Questionnaire
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)764-786
Number of pages23
Issue number4
StatePublished - 4 Dec 2024

    Research areas

  • career development, career resources, gender inequality, mentoring, organizational culture, social resources

ID: 128177233