In the last decade, the study of Russian-Spanish relations by Spanish and Russian historians has noticeably intensified. However, not all periods in relations between the two countries have been studied evenly. They include the period of 1856–1918, when, after a 20-year break in diplomatic relations between the two countries, they began to improve and, although they were not a priority, they noticeably revived. The report on the basis of materials stored in the Russian State Historical Archive (RGIA) in St. Petersburg examines some aspects of the diplomatic, economic, scientific and cultural contacts and relations of Russia and Spain during this period, which are not reflected in the scientific literature. The materials analyzed in this article were found by the author in the funds of the Ministry of foreign Affairs (Department of Internal Relations), the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire (Department of trade and manufactures, Department of foreign trade), the Ministry of Public education, the Ministry of trade and industry, the Ministry of state property, the Ministry of the Imperial Court (The Office of the Ministry, the Expedition of Ceremonial Affairs, the Directorate of the Imperial theatres, the Directorate of the Charitable funds of the Empress Maria, etc)., the Office of the Synod.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)65-86
Issue number2
StatePublished - Dec 2019

    Scopus subject areas

  • Arts and Humanities(all)

    Research areas

  • Russian-Spanish relations, diplomatic contacts, Trade, culture, Science, Education, the First World War, Russian State Historical Archive

ID: 49338943