Groundwater Working group of the EGRM UNECE has been created in May 2019 in Geneva during the 10th EGRM Session (Expert Group on Resource Management). The main target of the group is to investigate the possibility of the application of United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) to groundwater. The tasks of the group is revealing the specific features of groundwater in comparison to the hard useful minerals and hydrocarbons, estimating the experience of the UNFC application, and, if necessary, adaptation of the classification to groundwater. At present, there are 18 experts in the group - from Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Kazakhstan, Canada, Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Ukraine, Switzerland and South Africa. N.A. Vinograd and A.V. Tudvachev represent Russia. The first results of the activity have been obtained, the group developed plans for the future.