
The expansion of modern medicine with the latest prosthetics makes relevant the issue of adequate
psychological assistance to patients undergoing amputations. The article analyzes the world experience in
the study of the quality of life and psychological adaptation to the disease of patients with onco-orthopedic
pathology and shows the authors’ experience in the field. An interdisciplinary project developed by specialists
from the Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg) and the N. N. Blokhin National Medical Research Center of Oncology (Moscow) is devoted to the study of the psychological and social factors of patients’
recovery after lower limb amputation, including their return to professional and social activity. The research
methodology and technology, which were aimed at assessing objective indicators of the patients’ functional state
after amputation in comparison with subjective indicators of quality of life, individual and socio-psychological
patients’ characteristics, are justified. The study design reflects a comparative analysis of the main parameters
of quality of life and factors influencing it in groups of patients who underwent amputation due to cancer,
compared with patients who underwent amputation of the lower limb due to non-oncological diseases (diabetes and atherosclerosis). The study of the patients’ psychological status and quality of life will be carried out in
connection with the characteristics of the disease course and treatment. It will provide a personal approach to
patients’ rehabilitation and will make the recovery process more effective and less lasting. The developing and
introduction of a psychological support program in the preoperative, postoperative and rehabilitation periods
for patients undergoing amputation of the lower limb is planned.
Translated title of the contributionPsychosocial Factors of the Quality of Life in Cancer Patients after Lower Limb Amputation: Problem Statement and Research Methodology
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)53-61
Number of pages9
JournalСаркомы костей, мягких тканей и опухоли кожи
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2020

    Research areas

  • quality of life, psychological factors, EMOTIONAL STATUS, social activity, phantom pain, psychosocial rehabilitation, lower limb amputation, bone tumors, diabetes, atherosclerosis, functional outcome

ID: 53789130