• Н.Г. Разжигаева
  • Л.А. Ганзей
  • Т.А. Гребенникова
  • Н.И. Белянина
  • К.С. Ганзей
  • В.М. Кайстренко
  • Х.А. Арсланов
  • Ф.Е. Максимов
  • А.В. Рыбин
The Late Holocene landscape development has been reconstructed for the isle of Urup, located near the biogeographic border between the South and Central Kurils. The events were dated basing on radiocarbon dating and tephrostratigraphy data. At the beginning of the Late Holocene, in the south of the island there were birch forests with oak and other broad-leaved trees; meadows occupied large areas. In the cooling conditions of 3250 yrs. BP, the shrub pine became landscape-forming; from 2490 yrs. BP, Selaginella selaginoides appears in abundance. Broad-leaved trees disappeared in the Little Ice Age; heathland became widespread. 8 stages of development of the paleolake on the coast of Osma Baywere distinguished: waterings were associated with warm episodes (3660-3590; 3450-3180; 2960-2840; 2410-2260 yrs. BP); shallowings occurred in cooling with decreasing moisture (3590-3450; 3180-2960; 2840-2410; 2260-2150 yrs. BP). The formation of the dune ridge began in the longest Late Holocene cooling accompanied by minor
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)37-53
JournalВестник Северо-Восточного научного центра ДВО РАН
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2019

    Research areas

  • chronology, climatic changes, Kuril Islands, late Holocene, natural hazards, paleolake, paleolandscapes, климатические изменения, курильские острова, палеоландшафты, палеоозеро, поздний голоцен, природные катастрофы, хронология

ID: 78428052